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NAMM 2024 Gibson/Fender clips ?


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2002
The big boys don't need NAMM or other guitar shows like Arlington to display their wares, they've got the internet to do that.
For people like me outside the US it's been a boom time that will continue.
sure they may not Need to but to their dwindling fanbase it’s a great positive gesture to display their latest wares live and in person to the general public rather than via computer screen


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2005
From what I understand, Gibson did not have a formal presence or booth, but they held an open house display as a NAMM preview in the LA-based Showroom, which last time I looked was at the old Tower Records on Sunset.. but could have changed location along with the KKR ownership. So you had to take a drive, and you couldn't just jaunt in with your NAMM badge.

But press and invited guest got to see them in the flesh, as a prelude to the actual NAMM show.

It does seem Gbison don't do the 'influencer pimp' model to the extent other brands do, instead using the Gibson TV / Gibson Gear channel plus select dealer channels... maybe select influencers.

Certainly they have the up-and-coming artist grant model, to put things in people's hands that might not be able to buy them. And the broader showrooms and AR delivery sites.


Active member
Jan 30, 2019
Killer USA offerings? Like what exactly? A 50's or 60's LP? A "Murphy" "Lab" to capitalize on one guy's name because resalers beforehand used to get premium prices on their guitars ACTUALLY finished by Tom Murphy? It's all a sad mockery of the industry they're trying to save. Guitar used to be fun. Only fun. Watch Eddie Van Halen for example. It never should have turned into a corporate money run for the rich.

Cesar, sure he's passionate but how much Kirk Hammet and Dave Mustaine can anyone take. The "Greeny" was an insulting and alienating release for Gibson diehards. The international programs and all of their grandiose attempts at expansion are all biting off more than Gibson as a company can chew and it will all come falling down again. Not to mention the guy is a disaster on social media. Here's a tip Cesar: count your money and get off the internet.

Mat Koehler is passionate. I'll give him that. The Theodore idea was on the right track. The whole Archive Collection, I mean. Is that on the back burner now? That was a nearly great idea in my opinion.
I just wish these guys had more of a sense of "we need something to re-spark the excitement of guitar!"
They're riding their Gravy Train of mundane shit with a Made in China sticker on it. Now that all of the CNC machines are dialed in and tuned to perfection they couldn't care less about the legacy, respect, or future for the Gibson brand name.

Mark Agnesi, on the otherhand, is the real deal and I'm happy he's at Gibson. He's a man of the people. He deserves the best and is a proper ambassador for the love of all things guitar.

Bottom line, It has gotten so bad that if you have any sense of awareness you'll notice the market of used guitars has totally crashed. It was a fun ride while it lasted.

EDIT: Gibson and Fender have the most responsiblity and power to put the culture of Electric Guitar rock n roll based music at the forefront again.
It is a dead culture. You see little boys who want to be girls nowadays because they've never even heard a riff from Led Zeppelin or Deep Purple.
You’re speaking the truth, brother!!!
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Well-known member
Apr 6, 2005
Mat has cautioned the following with regards the Archtop and Archive collection, and general model offerings [paraphrasing and synthesizing various statement he's made, with editorial adds]:

(1) they really have to take a crawl, walk, before run approach, to get things right. I suspect while they have the documented plans, scanned examples, etc. that they may have cast aside or lost the old tooling, and certainly have let the skills atrophy to re-create certain models. I mean, they've even stated that the V-notches for Firebird were problematic in the USA 'craftory'... so back to the ol' glory guitar 'Love Is a Long Road'...

Just look to the Mandolin line. It's a nice but well-segregated collection to build back the muscle they need to do the Archtops. Practical R&D for process and tooling.


(2) they are focused on demand-drive production. Hence, they were cranking out sunburst Standards to fulfill the pent-up demand, didn't offer other colors for a long time. Les Pauls in more demand than more nuance models like the Designers. And so forth. They plan to shift the portfolio over time and expand the model range to suit, etc.

Now, I think it's also clear that the revitalization of Epiphone and expansion into more IBG-CS, and new positioning of Kramer, are really the 'bill payers' funding the long-term sustainment. Clearly, the money to keep the USA activities going won't be solely from USA-made instruments. They are becoming lower margin profit centers and halo items.

Also, the Theodore is somewhat a trail-run for the Archive Collection including the morphing from drawing board to realization, then from original to a more modern form. There's a lot of gold to be mined there and I hope they not only look for more 'new' archival designs but also fell comfortable to take excursions to modernize the well-loved classics, in the Modern Collection. Like the LP and SG Modern, but MORE and DIFFERENT. Of course, as production windows allow to keep the coffers from going bust.

I think Cesar's preoccupation with metalhead signatures is a bit much. I do agree it's a valid market and demographic to reach out to, but it seems like he's doing so to the exclusion of a lot of other targets... including low-hanging fruit, and cultivating the long-term future. Nothing wrong with Mustaine, Kirk, and Adam Jones, they're great! But please Gibson, take a 360 degree view of the sonic landscape, even from heroes of the recent past. And give us a blend. I dunno, maybe Cesar has better marketing demographics than my sense of the market, but it appears he's using his fandom as a compass, exclusively, Which misses a lot.

That said, although folks might disparage the approach, I think doing runs like the Rick Beato are fair game and sound business moves.

I just wish they were also courting a new vanguard like the "2 Matthews" Rick interviewed along with Rick himself!

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Active member
Oct 31, 2023
in speaking with a few of the larger companies in the biz, NAMM and the biz in general is not what it was 5 or 10 years ago. Many companies only take booths or set up "offices" on the show floor. It is too expensive for even the largest companies to set up shop like the old days. The glory days of NAMM are pretty much over
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in speaking with a few of the larger companies in the biz, NAMM and the biz in general is not what it was 5 or 10 years ago. Many companies only take booths or set up "offices" on the show floor. It is too expensive for even the largest companies to set up shop like the old days. The glory days of NAMM are pretty much over
How much more “new” can you get? A guitar is a guitar at the end of the day. Unless you’re making a guitar that plays itself? It’s just a guitar and there’s millions to choose from to inspire one to play or try to play and move on to something else. The guitar while selling lots is but a collectors trading platform. It’s been watered down by the corporate greed. One guys ambition in a company won’t change the outlook of the almighty dollar to which they’re going to milk to its demise


Jan 5, 2024
Most musicians were poor before the economy went to shit here in the last three years. Now they’re 1 paycheck away from being on the street. most of us don’t have $1000 for a real emergency let alone a imported knock off. 4k, 10k, 20k- those are all hilarious numbers that only doctors and lawyers talk about. I’m lucky that I inherited some great instruments


Well-known member
Sep 1, 2023
hilarious numbers
This is a valid point, which could justify the distain felt in regard to Gibson’s costings. We’ve surpassed the “under $2k” for the standard ranges.
Glad I bought my demo shop lp when I did.. as just after the prices went up.


You could afford them if you got a job.
Yea cause cause everyone can afford to spend $2k+ on a guitar. When I was 23 I could afford to get a Gibson but I was pinching Pennies. When I turned 25 I bought a used wine red LPC. I sold it. I can afford up $30k on a guitar. But FUCK THAT!


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2009
Yea cause cause everyone can afford to spend $2k+ on a guitar. When I was 23 I could afford to get a Gibson but I was pinching Pennies. When I turned 25 I bought a used wine red LPC. I sold it. I can afford up $30k on a guitar. But FUCK THAT

So lets ask a question what do you think a 2024 R9 should cost.... seriously not 200 bucks. like a realistic number for what you are buying what do u think u should have to spend to get one


So let’s ask a question what do you think a 2024 R9 should cost.... seriously not 200 bucks. like a realistic number for what you are buying what do u think u should have to spend to get one
$6k max $10k for regular custom shop w/t braz board, heavy ultra age braz board $12k. And these prices would be MSRP.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2009
$6k max $10k for regular custom shop w/t braz board, heavy ultra age braz board $12k. And these prices would be MSRP.
id love to see those prices. Wonder what it really costs gibson to build these guitars and how sales would differ with a price decrease like that across the board. assuming that R7,8,0 would all be prices accordingly like they are now relative to the R9.

Also do we think gibson keeps the used market in mind when pricing the new guitars? this would do further damage to a used market that has declined in the past 2 years from a high point during covid


Well-known member
Sep 1, 2023
do we think gibson keeps the used market in mind when pricing the new guitars?
I think this is very relevant.. Gibson would be aware of historics and CCs exchanging hands for a lot more than the original price (sometimes double) and I would say this was a factor on pricing going forward. Basically cashing in on the used market.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2009
I think this is very relevant.. Gibson would be aware of historics and CCs exchanging hands for a lot more than the original price (sometimes double) and I would say this was a factor on pricing going forward. Basically cashing in on the used market.
i was thinking in the opposite way but this also makes a lot of sense.