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The Big Al Good Mojo thread


Well-known member
Nov 13, 2003
I want to thank everyone for the nice things posted. It means alot too me, and it helps my mood, I want to win. I don't think I can beat it at this point, but in 2007 I was told I was in stage 4 Renal Cancer and after my kidney was removed I was told to prepare for my death. I was given about a year to live.

I freakin' blew their minds. I endured a 54 week Drug Chemo trial and worked at Whirlwind the whole time, against advise from everyone.

And still I remain.

Now it is Deja Vu all over again as I have been given the same dire news. Terminal, no cure and limited treatment options. I will have to prove them wrong again and extend my stay.

The people at Whirlwind and Michael in particular were supportive and helpful in every way, and though I can no longer work I am so proud to have been part of that company and its great people. I'd add that nobody does it better, and they are number 1 IMO.

My most fervent hope was to play on stage one last time, at least. I was working up a set list and lining up musician friends for this to happen. I don't know if that will now.

Maybe I can get together with Steve Craw, who has been a cool friend and fellow music nut that I always enjoy being with. I love his enthusiasm for the Les Paul and enjoyable banter. Steve if I can I will have you over for one last jam.

LA Man, I love your posts and enjoyed our debates. We are not that far off in our thinking, my friend.

I have often thought of myself as a Gadfly, someone to poke and prod orthodoxy, and provoke arguments. Even if I agreed with others, I would take an opposite POV to force argument to defend and explain the points being debated.

The Sheeple as I call them need to be shaken up sometimes, and busting up a flock of Sheeple and Lamb brains has given me much pleasure.

Opposite opinions are valid, and if strongly held and deeply felt are always correct. It is the blind adherence to a popular ideal that brings out the Battlen' Big Al! Sometimes it seems that each and everyone of us must have the same guitar, pickups and plastic, aged the same way and played through the same amp. How uniformly dull that is.

Makes a fella fall asleep.

Now the fact that many of us have the same ideal, or desire in a guitar isn't bad. But be careful not to overlook others with different tastes and visions of their ideal. Too often I see things like Clown Burst, Norlin Dogs, Pink Plastic, Non Authentic Flame??? and other things that become negatives and are promoted here on this web site where it becomes an accepted thing that becomes shunned and outcast.

Amish Anal Vintage Luddite thinking at it's worst.

It is all good!!!

I have freinds that lost their minds when I put Bigsbys on my Les Pauls. Some questioned why I would prefer to play my worn brown all mahogany Les Paul Studio, when I have so many "cooler" guitars to use. I love it when I show off one of my favor axes and have someone say something like the color is wrong, the plastic isn't authentic or I should use some other pickups. REALLY????

That kind of stuff keeps me alive. I get too cranky to die. Sometimes I read things that just make me sad. But Cranky Big Al is an alive Big Al.

And still I remain.

Now I am more focused on passing along any cool things that I can to those that care.

I cannot stress enough the collected wisdom and knowledge that is contained in the members here. I have learned so much and made some very good friends. Some like Mike Slubowski, have been excellent. Mike is the true gem of this place, his collection and knowledge is way more vast than he lets on, and though low key, he is a major guru in ALL things Les Paul, not just some small area, but all encompassing. His enthusiastic love and unbounded appreciation for this instrument has been a source of much inspiration to me. Mr. Mike is the one person I would most like jam and play with. Mike, I love ya, and thank you so much for all the quiet little things you have done for me, I will never forget your generosity!!!!

Anyway this is getting maudlin and I don't want to do that.

I plan to remain.

I may not get to the computer as much, but I do drop in on my Playstation which is easy for me to access now. Posting on that thing is a bitch though, but playing Red Dead Redemption makes up for it, Yee Haww!!!!

Keep the joy in your playing and music, keep open mind and ears and go your own way!!

Who's your Buddy? Who's your Pal??


Anyone who's had the pleasure of reading Big Al's epic posts, please post a guitar(s) in his honor and keep him in your thoughts and prayers... Big Al, you've been an inspiration to me (and probably many other LPF'ers) and I know you hate the 'fuss', but you're not only 'famous' but beloved (on this forum anyway), so please just grudgingly accept the LPF love & good mojo & don't forget to get well soon :biggrin:

Here are some Norlins for you Big Al... Your passionate defense of the Norlin era inspired me to collect these beauties in the first place... Rock on & on & on & on & on etc.... Where's my infinity emoticon? :bigal

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Well-known member
Aug 19, 2003

This is Xena(2003 Braz R0)which as some of you will know was my first Historic LP( I bought her into NZ from the US in late '03).
She was named care of Big Al, as we had discussed(after I joined up here in Aug '03) the pros(and very few cons) of all things Les Paul and NZ,in fact Al had written 'Zena Warrior Princess' as the name of the TV series shown in the US........... which after many many questions and finding out this and that lead to my pulling the trigger and buying my first ever good LP(pictured as she is with top hats now).
Thanks big fella and God bless ya............there's still a ways to go yet my friend:)

Red Baron

Well-known member
Jul 14, 2004
Big Al ...I might not know your on a personal level but I love reading reading your insightful posts and I really do like your style. You shoot from the hip and tell it exactly how you see things, in a way that I can relate to... 100% logical but with a humorous and cheeky appeal. :2cool

You're a larger than life character Big Al and I sincerely wish you all the very best! :2zone


Well-known member
Nov 13, 2003
Thanks for posting... Guys have have been posting their good wishes in the specialty area, but since Big Al decided to go public with his illness, I feel everyone should have the opportunity to wish Big Al all the best in the public/non member area... Say a prayer, keep him in your thoughts & play a couple licks for the Big Guy today :jim


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Posting my current favorite git for you, Big Al. No matter what happens, you're a winner.



New member
Jan 10, 2003
A big influence on my Les Paul experience as well as knowing how to contribute to the overall conversation. I never read him as pandering nor did he ever argue with malice.

A true class act who isn't going anywhere.


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2009
Graceful idea Shred...


Best to Big Al from England. As easy as you can get it pal. :salude


Jul 17, 2001
Take care, all is good indeed! One on-line memory - among many - is how you helped me distinguish between a Biter and a Moaner.

With tone and oneness, Mike

Steve Craw

Formerly Lefty Elmo
Sep 9, 2004
Thanks for starting this thread, Shred. I've known Al for many years, and feel very sad for my friend and tone guru.
When I took delivery of my Rossington (pictured below) I didn't commit to keeping it until it got the "Big Al Seal of Approval", and you'd better believe that Al had something to say about my selling it five years later!


Active member
Jan 20, 2004

Wishing you nothing but the best, be strong!!!

My infamous early '69 LPC, "The Old Bastard".



Well-known member
Dec 10, 2003
I love to read your great posts Big Al, you were one of my most favourite members of this forum. You gave me great knowledge especially of Norlin era Les Pauls and i have had many of them since i am member here. Be strong :jim

Here is my Norlin for you



Well-known member
Feb 27, 2002

I don't have a Norlin yet but here's the reason I joined this forum. Big Al's been very helpful to me and entertaining as well. I can only hope this is only a stumble on the road of life big guy. Here's to one of the good guys on the LPF! :salude

Big Al

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2002
Wow! What nice guitars. It is really cool to see such sweet Customs. I feel better already and am ready for my bone scan in the morning.


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2001
Soldier on brother Al !!

Your avatar is a classic :bigal

Here's one for you !


All the best Al !!


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2008
You better get well soon BigAl. I lost too many cherished ones these past few weeks, I don't need to lose one of my favourite LPF members also. Is it selfish? Yes, and so what?
I look forward to reading your prose for yet another few years :)


Heritage 80

New member
Jan 10, 2002
Best wishes Big Al! You probably don't remember, but you gave me the courage (and guidance and instructions) to swap out my tired Shaw's for Timbuckers, 500K pots and black Beauty caps in my trusty rusty H80 :heritage (I'm still about as adept with a soldering iron as a lump of coal). I hope your tests go well, and keep on being as cranky as hell !!


Active member
Dec 12, 2002
Hey, BA--keep on fighting! I wish you all the best and want to hang around a while. I'm sorry to say I don't have any pics of my one new Norlin...a LPC in Silverburst.