I'd used graphite back in the old days but switched to CarMex about 10 of 15 years ago. The issue is always string bends. I'm a boomer and I'm into boomer bends ??! Most of my guitars are set up so I can can get at least a minor third; major 3rd on some and I can actually get 4ths in a few places on one or two of my guitars. The strings break where I'm bending them...not at the nut or bridge.Lighter strings do break easily if you're not careful w/ them. I never had that issue cause I keep the bridge & nut lubricated w/ pencil graphite.
I break through .009s like nobody's business. I'd probably tear .008s off the first strum I played.Actually, does anyone use .008s anymore? I remember them being popular for a while when I was getting started playing. I tried them too, way back when in the 70s for a while...but ultimately decided they broke too frequently and I liked the sound better with the "heavier" strings.