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  • Hey CC,

    Is that YOUR band...? Nice feeling and groove...!


    LG King
    That WAS my band. Covid and having to move 300 miles away put and end to it.
    Thanks, though...
    It was a good run.
    Hello Charlie, Thanks for your response. I want to install locking tuners because by the end of the first set, my Les Paul is out of tune. I have to re-tune it at the end of every set when I play out. I've lubricated all contact points, stretched strings, and even tried the String Butler but nothing keeps the guitar in tune. Yours, Steve
    Hello Charlie, Thanks for your response. I want to install locking tuners because by the end of the first set, my Les Paul is out of tune. I have to re-tune it at the end of every set when I play out. I've lubricated all contact points, stretched strings, and even tried the String Butler but nothing keeps the guitar in tune. Yours, Steve
    stephen bullock
    Yes, a Kramer with original Floyd Rose. Also a stock Telecaster.
    Gibson's angled headstock is a different animal. Very strict attention must be paid to the nut.
    stephen bullock
    Charlies, thanks very much! Your expertise is invaluable. I am having a luthier examine the nut and potentially having it replaced. Truly yours, Steve
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