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"Unplugged Natural Compression"...


New member
Feb 28, 2015
I thought you all might enjoy a "converssation" that I have ongoing with a person on Reverb.com. I have a 2006 R0 listed on their site, and someone responded with some questions about it. The first was "weight?" I responded 8lbs 12ozs... give or take. The second question was "resonant unplugged?" Not an unreasonable question, considering every guitar in my collection does indeed have a different tone. I sent him a 7 second video from my phone, and his response was "I like a bit of natural unplugged compression in a Les Paul." I am a retired concert sound engineer, had toured for over 30 years. In all that time, I have never heard that. When I replied that the word he was probably looking for was "sustain"... he got nasty, and stuck to his guns that he really likes natural compression in an unplugged Paul. I hope he uses that line in a guitar store. I'm sure I'll hear the salesperson laughing 3000 miles away. I hope you all find this as funny as I did....


Apr 5, 2021
Selling on Reverb can be a pain and a waste of time trying to be a good seller and answer all the questions.


New member
Feb 28, 2015
Selling on Reverb can be a pain and a waste of time trying to be a good seller and answer all the questions.
You sure have that right. This guy was obviously just a tire kicker. When I answered all of his questions honestly and politely, he said it was too much money, even though I am open to any offer that is reasonable. When I asked him why he was wasting my time, he got childish and nasty. It seems to be a trend everywhere these days. Honestly, Craigslist is even worse! There are good ones there, you just need to learn the warning signs...


Well-known member
Oct 20, 2005
Uplugged Natural Compression?


Exactly what is doing the compressing?

Sounds like the buyer really doesn't know what they are talking about and making an excuse to end the deal.

Maybe its a language problem. Their Google translator is messing with them.


Well-known member
Oct 20, 2005
Yeah Craigslist is like the Wild West. Anything goes. Seller beware. Buyer beware. Woo Hoo! Bring a bodyguard when you meet in the Seven Eleven parking lot.

Tommy Tourbus

Active member
Jan 1, 2005
LOL, this is reminding me of a guy I dealt with on Reverb when I was selling a Historic Firebird. I went back into my messages just now so I could find this message and cut n paste it here. Here's his message: "hey bro, all BS aside ....is this a GREAT guitar? Is it loud acoustically?" After he sent that message he went ahead and bought it. I was nervous about it thinking he was a maroon and I might regret shipping the guitar to him, but all was fine and he left me good feedback after receiving the guitar.


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2003
Natural compression and natural overdrive as well............there are some plonkers out there........... :LOL:


New member
Feb 28, 2015
Thanks for the support of my sanity! Well, I told him I was going to make him famous... I really did think I had heard it all as a sound engineer that toured for over 30 years. I lectured, ran a symposium called SynAudCom, did a summer as the assistant live sound instructor at the Recording Workshop. At the sound company I worked for, I was responsible for evaluating new hires. If someone had ever said that then... But I understand using the wrong word, and allowing yourself to be corrected. This guy was beyond helping! The oddest part of the diatribe was my phone auto corrected "compression" to "compress"... and he actually posted a freaking screenshot of what his auto correct does thinking he had me. Geez.... he's gone now, but I'm sure hes going to pester someone else.


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2005
All these horror (comedy?) stories make me glad I sold one of my guitars to a dealer at a show last weekend.
Yeah, I theoretically could have gotten more selling it myself over Ebay, Reverb or Craigslist, but dealing with listing, tire kickers questions, low-ballers, offers, shipping, dealing with the buyer wanting money off for something that was already disclosed... it's worth the difference.


New member
Feb 28, 2015
All these horror (comedy?) stories make me glad I sold one of my guitars to a dealer at a show last weekend.
Yeah, I theoretically could have gotten more selling it myself over Ebay, Reverb or Craigslist, but dealing with listing, tire kickers questions, low-ballers, offers, shipping, dealing with the buyer wanting money off for something that was already disclosed... it's worth the difference.
What you did makes me think that is the best way to go. I have 2 VOS Pauls on Reverb, plus a 1972 Guild D35, and I might list my Phiga Wolf. But, considering your input, I think I will give my old friend Joseph at Olivias Vintage a call, make him a "bundle" price and see what he thinks. It would just be so much easier...


Well-known member
Oct 20, 2005
I went over to AES library and I couldn't find any reference to Unplugged Natural Compression. Either the buyer found some blogger who woke from a dream one morning and wanted to sound important or watched some Youtube video and thought that sounded good and technical, or they just made it up.


Well-known member
Jan 23, 2007
guys like that hear or read something and decide to appear intelligent by repeating it.
One dope shouldn't make you not list the guitar on Reverb. For the most part, the buyers of high(er) end guitars are knowledgeable and don't get caught up in that type of psycho-babble

Tommy Tourbus

Active member
Jan 1, 2005
As a seller, if I had gotten that question I would have told him I didn't know what he meant and would have asked him to describe the sound he's talking about. Then based on his answer you could recommend or not recommend your guitar to him, or describe how the guitar sounds and say while you can't guarantee it's going to have a specific nuance that you're looking for, it is a great sounding LP blah blah blah and talk up it's strong points. Might have talked him down off his ledge and resulted in a sale. Or you could have said "yep, it has that" lol. "Unplugged natural compression" sounds like something he probably read in someone's dopey post on an internet forum. Based on that I'm sure he's not really an experienced player or really a player at all. If it was a good sounding LP I'm sure he would have gotten it and thought 'yep this is exactly what I wanted' LOL.


New member
Feb 28, 2015
As a seller, if I had gotten that question I would have told him I didn't know what he meant and would have asked him to describe the sound he's talking about. Then based on his answer you could recommend or not recommend your guitar to him, or describe how the guitar sounds and say while you can't guarantee it's going to have a specific nuance that you're looking for, it is a great sounding LP blah blah blah and talk up it's strong points. Might have talked him down off his ledge and resulted in a sale. Or you could have said "yep, it has that" lol. "Unplugged natural compression" sounds like something he probably read in someone's dopey post on an internet forum. Based on that I'm sure he's not really an experienced player or really a player at all. If it was a good sounding LP I'm sure he would have gotten it and thought 'yep this is exactly what I wanted' LOL.
He finalized his comments with its not worth the price, "Guitar is no bueno". He had no intention to buy it.


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2003
He finalized his comments with its not worth the price, "Guitar is no bueno". He had no intention to buy it.
Bueno............tell me quando quando quando........................ yes they're out there ;)