The 59 "Goldie" Murphy Painted And Aged Vic DaPra Burst Believers II Cover Burst
Earlier this year Vic DaPra posted on his Face Book page he was signing books for a special run slated to go to Japan. There were only 18 guitars in this run for select dealers only in Japan all with 2016 True Historic specs with 5 digit serial numbers and were painted and aged by Tom Murphy as "Goldie" with hand picked tops by Edwin Wilson and Yasuhiko Iwande author of The Beauty Of The Burst book. Murphy's paint and aging is incredible and were done to replicate "Goldie", the guitar on the front cover of Vic's book Burst Believers II. These are special guitars and I am loving it. Kudos to Tom Murphy and team at Gibson and also to Vic for giving us such a great read. I am now told that Vic is working on Burst Believer's III due out soon and cant wait to read it. Keep them coming Vic!
Earlier this year Vic DaPra posted on his Face Book page he was signing books for a special run slated to go to Japan. There were only 18 guitars in this run for select dealers only in Japan all with 2016 True Historic specs with 5 digit serial numbers and were painted and aged by Tom Murphy as "Goldie" with hand picked tops by Edwin Wilson and Yasuhiko Iwande author of The Beauty Of The Burst book. Murphy's paint and aging is incredible and were done to replicate "Goldie", the guitar on the front cover of Vic's book Burst Believers II. These are special guitars and I am loving it. Kudos to Tom Murphy and team at Gibson and also to Vic for giving us such a great read. I am now told that Vic is working on Burst Believer's III due out soon and cant wait to read it. Keep them coming Vic!