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My Photos in Jimmy Page Photoautobiography!!


Apr 20, 2006
Wow, that is a great story! Looking forward to seeing some of the photos you took that nite!


New member
Aug 23, 2007
Re: My Photos in Jimmy Page Photoautobiography!! Photos Posted!

Well, thank you for all of the kind words. It is the "coolest" thing that has ever happened to me.

It was most amazing sitting that close. Plus the bonus is that is was one of the best performances of the '77 tour based on the recorded evedence. I only got my hands on the boot last year. No quarter was particularly outstanding. I yelled Heartbreaker as Plant walked in fornt of me at one point, to which he exclaimed "Heartbreaker?" - and they played it for the encore - one of the only times of the tour I believe. I'd like to believe it was because I yelled it. No matter what, cool coincidence, especially for a ultra-enthusiastic 17 year old Zeppelin freak! I am pretty sure all must have been advised (band and security) that I was "approved" to avoid the well documented typical removal process of unauthorized photographers, audio recorders, or profiteers. I was standing like a beacon while folks around me were sitting and never got a look from any security.

Here are a number of good shots. I don't have them all scanned yet, and need to buy a nikon scanner to do it properly. I can't post any of the shots I submitted, which are my fav's, but I will be able to put some others up in the near future. Perhaps, needless to say (so why am I saying it I ask?), I won't be able to put up the selected ones assuming they make it.

This is the first time these have been seen other than by a handful or two of friends over the years, and those involved with the book.

I hope you enjoy!:jim

The first three are during Song Remains the Same.



In My Time of Dying

Battle of Evermore

No Quarter

Moby Dick

Bow Solo

Achilles - This really smoked!

I'll post a few more.


Kris Ford

Active member
Jan 6, 2007
AWESOME!!! These were at the Silverdome show? My uncle camped out to get tix for that. I, however was only 3 then...lucky guy! I have the audio from that one. Still in the Metro Detroit area?

Texas Blues

Active member
Apr 13, 2008
Fantastic story. Great pics. Nice to hear good things happening somebody.


New member
Aug 23, 2007
AWESOME!!! These were at the Silverdome show? My uncle camped out to get tix for that. I, however was only 3 then...lucky guy! I have the audio from that one. Still in the Metro Detroit area?

Sorry Kris, these were at Madison Sqare Garden - I lived in Mich and drove to NYC for the show.

I have some form Pontiac, but they are not scaneed yet.


New member
Sep 9, 2003
i'd be flipping my lid if i was in your shoes...how cool....and thanks for sharing...just great...;-)


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2004
WAAYY Cool read!:jim :3zone :3zone :3zone

Congrats and good luck with the book deal!:wow


New member
Nov 13, 2001
Great story... and fantastic pics.

Congrats, and good luck on getting your photos published. :salude


New member
Feb 22, 2007
That's a great story. Halfin is kind of the "go to" guy these days, so it's fantastic that your stuff made the grade. On a side note, he once wrote on his Web site how much he enjoyed my book "Seventies Rock: The Decade of Creative Chaos" - that certainly made my day!


New member
Nov 10, 2003
Congrats Drew! did all this at 17, very cool....reminds me of the movie
"Almost Famous" cheers!!:salude

Otto 57

Active member
Nov 19, 2009
Tonehawk, reading your story again brings back all the memories of what it was like to be that age and how important those shows really were. We lived a part of history that I believe will stand the test of time. This music, these bands, the events at which they played are going to live on as a golden age of music and it will always be a symbol of what it means to be young and free in a troubled world. You had the foresight at the age of 17 to capture these images which will live forever alongside the mighty music of Led Zeppelin.:salude


Active member
Jul 18, 2007
Damn, Otto summed it up so well. It was like that wasn't it! I feel blessed to have seen and experienced the classic bands that many young people ane "discovering" today. Even though I'm getting older it is a thrill to see kids wearing repro concert tees that I own originals of and had seen those bands on the tour on the repro shirt! These photos are a testament to that time and those bands. Thanks for including the forum in your wonderful experiences Drew. This thread alone shows how great this forum can be. Sharing photos,opinions, and life experiences! It doesn't get any better eh?


New member
Jun 20, 2002
Man, that's such a great story!!! Thanks for sharing....

"The Mighty Led Zeppelin".....that's what I thought before seeing them in 1977 in St. Louis.

"Wow"...."The Mighty Led Zeppelin"......it's too bad they crushed my dreams and bitterly dissappointed me with an embarassingly bad performance....one they NEVER should've played. I felt so taken afterwards.....like someone had robbed me and made me watch some foolish amateurs pretending to be a bad imitation of...."The Mighty Led Zeppelin".

Never been so dissapointed by a band...so ripped off...It still affects me to this day when I listen to any of their live shows. The Mighty Led Zeppelin indeed.....:dang


Jul 18, 2001
Man, that's such a great story!!! Thanks for sharing....

"The Mighty Led Zeppelin".....that's what I thought before seeing them in 1977 in St. Louis.

"Wow"...."The Mighty Led Zeppelin"......it's too bad they crushed my dreams and bitterly dissappointed me with an embarassingly bad performance....one they NEVER should've played. I felt so taken afterwards.....like someone had robbed me and made me watch some foolish amateurs pretending to be a bad imitation of...."The Mighty Led Zeppelin".

Never been so dissapointed by a band...so ripped off...It still affects me to this day when I listen to any of their live shows. The Mighty Led Zeppelin indeed.....:dang

Cool story for sure...

I begged my parents to let me see them at the Oakland Coliseum 'Day On The Green' in '77, but they were not about to let a 13 year old (and his friends) go to concerts. It was their last US performance and the one where Bonham was arrested. Yea. '77 was a tough year for 'The Mighty Led Zeppelin'. Not sure why they didn't just take some time off since by all accounts at many of the shows Jimmy Page was in no condition to play. I guess the excess of the 70's finally caught with them. In fact, 1977 was really the end of an era as rock music devolved into Punk, Disco, and Hair Metal.

In retrospect, I am thankful of not seeing the band past their prime. Jimmy Page looks like a skeleton in those pictures and the band just has a sense of dread about them. You can see it in their faces.