Hey all,
So the next guitar Id like to aquire for my collection will be an SG Special. I searched teh inter webs.. but cant find the info I am looking for. Ive noticed SG Specials of the same year with different bridge stud aligment. Some are angle with the low E lower like the early Jrs, and some are parallel to each other.
Is there a definitive year when Gibson angled the studs and or made them parallel? The images below are both Polaris white SG Specials from the year 61' (according to the seller as the pot codes match). however, you can see one has the angled studs and the other flat. I initially though this had to do with the trem on the flat one, but then I came across other early 60s with a angled bridge and a factory trem..
So what gives?
While we are at it, what is considered the better collector year, style SG special?
Thanks All!
So the next guitar Id like to aquire for my collection will be an SG Special. I searched teh inter webs.. but cant find the info I am looking for. Ive noticed SG Specials of the same year with different bridge stud aligment. Some are angle with the low E lower like the early Jrs, and some are parallel to each other.
Is there a definitive year when Gibson angled the studs and or made them parallel? The images below are both Polaris white SG Specials from the year 61' (according to the seller as the pot codes match). however, you can see one has the angled studs and the other flat. I initially though this had to do with the trem on the flat one, but then I came across other early 60s with a angled bridge and a factory trem..
So what gives?
While we are at it, what is considered the better collector year, style SG special?
Thanks All!