• THIS IS THE 25th ANNIVERSARY YEAR FOR THE LES PAUL FORUM! PLEASE CELEBRATE WITH US AND SUPPORT US WITH A DONATION TO KEEP US GOING! We've made a large financial investment to convert the Les Paul Forum to this new XenForo platform, and recently moved to a new hosting platform. We also have ongoing monthly operating expenses. THE "DONATIONS" TAB IS NOW WORKING, AND WE WOULD APPRECIATE ANY DONATIONS YOU CAN MAKE TO KEEP THE LES PAUL FORUM GOING! Thank you!
  • Please support our Les Paul Forum Sponsors with your business - Gary's Classic Guitars, Wildwood Guitars, Chicago Music Exchange, Reverb.com, Throbak.com and True Vintage Guitar. From personal experience doing business with all of them, they are first class organizations. Thank you!
Tom Wittrock
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  • G
    Hi Tom, i wanted to ask, it normal for the headstock on a 1960 les paul Historic to not be completley square with the body of the guitar? Looking at the tip top of the open book of the headstock, the headstock looks to be slightly twisted clockwise, but a streight edge sits on the fretboard completley flat on the fretboard
    Hi Tom, I a proud owner of an aged Sandy #191, can you possibly shed some light on the lines on the back of the neck parallel to the frets? Did the original have these marks? Or has Gibson’s in-house ageing team been a little too zealous?

    its an amazing guitar by the way, thanks for all your energy, drive and support.
    Hello Aaron,
    Sorry for the delay. I had no idea that this area [visitor messages] existed.
    That's a point that should be directed at Mike Slub [administrator] or the moderators. It sounds good in theory, but they are the ones who decide these things.
    Hey Tom, being new here I wanted to ask you privately if there is or would be any interest in a sticky that would let people know where and when they could see someone playing a vintage/burst LP live in concert?

    I understand they for the most part are collector pieces for wealthy enthusiast's or studio only instruments for artists and that they need to be protected and preserved, but those guitars are arguably the best sounding guitars ever made. I know a few people still let them rip on stage and that in my opinion is one of the most important things that should be done with them, let people hear how great they are.

    I think it would be really cool to have a sticky that just keeps going on updates where people, if they wanted too, could let people know where to be. Call it "Hear the Burst" or something like that. If Joe B. is going to be playing one on a tour a shout out to the guys here would be awesome.

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