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Recent content by Tim

  1. T

    Statins almost ended my ability to play

    I believe the evidence is starting to point toward inflammation being the culprit that causes the cholesterol to stick in the artery wall. Much of that is caused by diet, eating too much processed foods and carbs and will be indicated with high triglycerides. Tobacco as well as too much...
  2. T

    NAD 1966 Fender Super Reverb

    This is probably the best example I've heard of a vintage 63 Vibroverb.
  3. T

    Question about Old vs. New Timbuckers

    The EdA set had bridge impedance around 8.2-8.3k with the neck around 7.7-7.8k. The other set, the bridge was high seven's and neck mid 7's.
  4. T

    Greenybucker pickup set now available from Gibson.

    Flipping the magnet or reversing the connection does the exact same thing electrically. It causes the current being generated by the pickup to flow in the opposite direction. The only way flipping could yield a different sound from swapping the connection is if the magnetic field on one side...
  5. T

    Anyone gig with an original 5E3? And if so…

    Someone, maybe it's Weber, makes a solid state rectifier that will plug into the spot where the tube rectifier is plugged in. That should help tighten up the bottom.
  6. T

    Removing metal humbucker covers

    I would stick the razor blade in the crack next to the solder, coming out over it at an angle. Then heat the solder with a gun and as the solder melts just push the razor over and it goes right through.
  7. T

    The holy grail Burst + Marshall tone: Kossoff isolated track

    Found the old thread - https://www.lespaulforum.com/index.php?threads/kossoff-all-right-now-tone.171804/
  8. T

    The holy grail Burst + Marshall tone: Kossoff isolated track

    A long time ago I read he used a Fender amp in the studio. Maybe a twin, his tone does have that clean-ish sound.
  9. T

    Germino LEAD 55, 1969 Greenback, '57 Conversion Gibson Les Paul DEMO

    Sounds awesome Ed! Did you give the Lead 35 a try you were talking about last year? Seems like I remember you stating it was the same as the 55 with different transformers.
  10. T

    Who makes an under 30W head that REALLY sounds like a Plexi!?

    No problem! The DVD they made of that tour, can't remember the name of it, he used the AC30 with a Vibro King. I think those two sounded great together!
  11. T

    Who makes an under 30W head that REALLY sounds like a Plexi!?

    This is one of many I've seen him use one. Another
  12. T

    Who makes an under 30W head that REALLY sounds like a Plexi!?

    Hey Ed, don't know if you're still around, but I find it curious that you don't like EL84's and yet Jimmy Page, who is your guy, always seems to have an AC30 in the mix from the videos I've seen. Maybe he figured out a way to get rid of the buzziness or only uses it clean. Would love to hear...
  13. T

    Les Paul Custom Sunburst

    Fifties customs didn't have maple caps, they're carved out of one piece of mahogany. I believe customs did have maple caps in the late sixties.
  14. T

    I made an interesting video comparison: '69 Plexi vs DSL 15 green channel

    I like the midrange of the 69, just sounds more open to me, but they do sound very similar. Thanks for posting!
  15. T

    Thoughts and opinions please..

    I'd be leery of the '54 as well.