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Amp modelers, any out there that sound and feel like the real thing??


New member
Jan 10, 2003
When the rest of the house is asleep, I use the headphones jack to keep things quiet at night.

Hell, in summer I'll use the headphones and a wireless, sit in the garden and play......100 yards from the unit.

I have to be physically forced to use headphones with guitar. It doesn't matter what system, amp, mixing board... basically nails on a chalkboard. My aversion is borderline neurotic.

I do enjoy the freedom of a nice wireless system.


Active member
Dec 16, 2009
My solution to this issue was to start stashing tubes years ago. I really don't like the sound of pedals for overdrive. People that do seem to be more inclined to like modeling amps. Quilter amps have been getting a lot of attention recently. Definitely not my cup of tea!


Oct 27, 2006
S-gear ..... comes with a 15 day trail period and it's cheap.. to my ears it's not bad at all.. YMMV...

Best feeling and sounding computer based solution IMHO. A decent interface and a good pair of headphones, and you'll keep yourself, the house, dog, and the neighbors all happy. Latency is non-existent, so it almost feels like a real (minus the pants moving and harmonic feedback of course). Presets suck, make your own.


Well-known member
Oct 20, 2005
Senor "F". Did you get the extra amp and cab packs with yours? The one in the studio is just the rack unit, so if I get my own, I don't know if I need that extra software.


Oct 27, 2006
With respect, have you tried anything else?

Great question!

For me, the sole purpose for this application is a stand alone product for at-home practice and noddling when I can't use amps due to family, time of day, etc. In a band setting or recording, it's always the real amps and loud.

I tried several of the stand alone modelers over the years such as a few POD versions, another one that had a blue case not worth remembering, a Vox amp-modeling crossbred thing, etc. None of them felt or sounded real enough. I had better luck with cab-simulated output of real tube preamp (Engl or JMP-1) , they were better sounding and feeling, but noisy, dry and uninspiring.

Of the software based products, I recall trying the amp sim plugins that came with Studio One Professional (an impulse buy), which sounded OK but have really bad latency. Another software product I tried was Native's Guitar Rig. The effects were cool, but most of the basic amp sounds were just too grainy or fake. I then tried S-gear, and was very impressed with lack of latency (almost felt like a real amp), and the core sounds were actually believable enough for my intended purpose (headphone use, jamming to music, learning songs, etc.). :salude


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2015
Great question!

For me, the sole purpose for this application is a stand alone product for at-home practice and noddling when I can't use amps due to family, time of day, etc. In a band setting or recording, it's always the real amps and loud.

I tried several of the stand alone modelers over the years such as a few POD versions, another one that had a blue case not worth remembering, a Vox amp-modeling crossbred thing, etc. None of them felt or sounded real enough. I had better luck with cab-simulated output of real tube preamp (Engl or JMP-1) , they were better sounding and feeling, but noisy, dry and uninspiring.

Of the software based products, I recall trying the amp sim plugins that came with Studio One Professional (an impulse buy), which sounded OK but have really bad latency. Another software product I tried was Native's Guitar Rig. The effects were cool, but most of the basic amp sounds were just too grainy or fake. I then tried S-gear, and was very impressed with lack of latency (almost felt like a real amp), and the core sounds were actually believable enough for my intended purpose (headphone use, jamming to music, learning songs, etc.). :salude

Thanks for the considered answer.

The Axe-FX is a different type of beast. It's a stand alone unit, essentially a computer without all the bits we know and "love". All it does is model, so all the processing power is aimed at that.

If you lived closer I'd get you to come over and try it out. There's zero latency (well, that's impossible, but it's as good as a real amp).


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2015
Senor "F". Did you get the extra amp and cab packs with yours? The one in the studio is just the rack unit, so if I get my own, I don't know if I need that extra software.

I originally bought just the Axe-FX unit, as I planned to use it for home studio use.....i.e. to record directly into ProTools (wet and dry tracks via USBII), practice and learn songs, using a set of wireless headphones. I then hooked it up to my studio monitors (which are pretty flat) and it sounds good.

In a fit of boredom I bought an Atomic FRFR cab (full range, flat response) which, I must admit, I have never used. My plan was to use the unit "live", but at heart I'm an analogue guy, so never got there. Lots of people, including some very big acts, use them live and they have a great reputation for sound and reliability.

You don't need to purchase software updates for the unit, they're regular and free. Indeed, there's a bot tool to do all the installation too. Better still, you can link your unit to a PC/Mac and use the "Axe Edit" software to dial in sounds rather than the somewhat fiddly front panel. Oh, and that's free too.


Well-known member
Oct 20, 2005
Ah OK got it.:salude
Just wasn't clear if all those extras are required. You know the ol' bare bone that does nothing, but buy this and this to get it up to speed.

That guitarist brought it in a while back, it is his, but left it here as he stops in a lot. Why drag it in every time? I can understand that. The other guys started using it, and I just heard it a few times, but it sounded great. No background floor cyber hash, if you know what I mean. So there it sits.

Hey Fractal is direct. That's cool.

Ooo buy it now uh oh.:##

... Indeed, there's a bot tool to do all the installation too. ...

Yes that's like Avid and Adobe app managers I would think

Mars Hall

Active member
Nov 26, 2008
I dread the day that I cant get affordable good sounding tubes anymore.

But that day will come.

Is there an amp modeler out there that has the tone, feel, reaction that when
blindfolded will trick me into thinking Im plugged in my Metro Amp 68 plexi 100 watt
and a greenback cab????


It has to be the invasion of the body snatchers. Give me my friend back you bastards!


New member
May 10, 2009
It has to be the invasion of the body snatchers. Give me my friend back you bastards!

Hi Jerry, if that axe fx sounds as good as they say, imagine switching from a 59 bassman
to a super lead marshall, vox ac30 etc.

Its very a interesting unit, the price however will keep me away for a while, there is an
R8 I have my eye on first.



New member
Jan 10, 2003
A friend's studio I occasionally work with has an Axe-Fx. And another buddy uses it with his music company. That's my experience.

I'd never buy one unless I was going to self-produce a record. And even then I'd prefer to rent or borrow. It's worth it if you have a need, but for practice I'm happy with either an acoustic or my Vibro Champ and a pedal.

The Fractal stuff sounds good, better than any other modeler I've used, but (imo) not great. It's the versatility and convenience that makes it worth it.

if you have a need or if versatility is something you find inspiring, go for it.


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2004
.....told ya.


Still something in the mids that I can't put my finger on. A sonic thing that doesn't cut in a live mix. Maybe in a studio, but on stage they act different.:hank

Granted, I am not a tweaker beyond turning all dials to the right!:dude:


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2009
Still something in the mids that I can't put my finger on. A sonic thing that doesn't cut in a live mix. Maybe in a studio, but on stage they act different.:hank

Granted, I am not a tweaker beyond turning all dials to the right!:dude:

I heard it too! It's like something opened up when the amp was on. But it was damn close. I would like get one of these for an experiment I have in mind. I want to record how an amp's caps and tubes drift over time. Another of the 60000 projects I am stacking up. I shall live forever or die in the attempt!