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Active member
Jul 4, 2020
Been researching quite a bit...That said.....I should receive the Clark Piedmont from Mike Clark sometime mid-Sept ....God Willing and the creek don't rise....OK, So for Piedmont owners/users....how do you typically run the amp....Do you jumper it as so many have indicated with Tweed Bassman designs....mess with the controls on the channels..or is it just simpler than that..What pedals are recommended....currently running Fulltone Full Drive II and a Zen Drive, I have opted for a 2 x 12 configuration Tone Tubby Reds.......... with 2x10s in the Custom Vibrolux (Moyer Modded or it would not be useable) one feels that the 10" thing is covered. The Vibrolux does sound great clean and revved up , with the LP take off the bass with the strat better turn up some bass or it will be too much icepick.... not a good tone; also the reverb and attenuator is included in the build......so I will want for nothing. BUY ONCE CRY ONCE. Any practical advise or experience is appreciated......I will also discuss all of this with Mike Clark at some point prior to shipping ...just do not want to nickle and dime him....he has work to do. He did say that he expects things to pick up soon and that COVID has impacted receiving cabinets from the manufacturer. Covid has affected all of us in some way. Thanks in advance for any illumination you might offer.

Texas Blues

Active member
Apr 13, 2008
Tryem' out no pedals first.

And no jumping.

Then expand from there.

Find out what just the amp and guitar can do.

I have 2 Clark amps.

They sound incredible straight no chaser.



Well-known member
Jan 19, 2009
I most definitely agree.

Enjoy 1950's version of HiFi first.

My Piedmont at 3 is a wondrous beast by itself.

Jumpering is cool, but when I want overdrive at lower volumes I am all about Origin Effects Revival Drive and Cali 76 on anything.


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2003
So you guys think this is the best Bassman clone? I almost pulled the trigger on a used Victoria Bassman for $2300,but this Clark Piedmont sounds interesting. I liked the half power switch on the Victoria.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2009
I have both.

They are each their own beast.

The Victoria is more of a 'just out from the factory 59'.

A little tighter.

It sounds like they did more in the 60's and 70's.

The Clark is more of a 'drifted '60'. A little clearer and more sparkly.

They are both great.

I prefer the Clark slightly because of the speakers in it and a bit more edge.






Active member
Jul 4, 2020
After putting it down for many years; attempting to make it in life; I became modestly successful....I am now involved solely in the pursuit of happiness (Wildwood Spec 2019 R8), albeit responsible happiness I was at Woodstock AT 17..YEAH I AM OLD....i am playing a Moyer modded FENDER CUSTOM VIBROLUX...all of my amp considerations begin with a stellar clean...to which...a Fulltone Fulldrive II and the Hermida ZEN DRIVE...is applied..when necessary..using the Grosh Strat I typically go to the comp cut for clean boost. My Mesa Boogie MarkIV, bought new in the 90s is still in the shop....for months...i should have sent it back to boogie..the Rhythm One is the clean...# 2 is a bit woolly and bassy....but it is solid tone..and usable..you just cannot get wind cries mary out of it...IMO..if someone did ..kudos...the lead channel..Screams sustain..I may get it back..Good Grief...The Piedmont is due to me roughly.21 Sept 2020..God willing and the Creek don't rise....You only live once..this is not a dress rehearsal. After briefly speaking with Mike Clark...the Piedmont will have two 12s..Tone Tubby red i assume.....with that line up I want for nothing. Rounding out the Triumvirate of amps and guitars is a Martn D35 bought new in 78.....Sometimes I have to pinch myself. how do u post pics here ? so i can show the goods. Top of the day..Gents and thank you for the expertise....Since DEC 2019 I have immersed myself in the guitar playing and research...if you are reading this and post regularly here..I have read your take and use it..Grateful for that.


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2003
Update: I got the Victoria for $2200. The guy hugged the box before giving it up.Do you guys have any tips on getting the best out of it? I seem to like the bright channel with les Paul. I’m enjoying this amp with two layers of ear protection! Thanks.


Active member
Jul 4, 2020
Actually ZOOMMUTT, I have not rec'd the amp yet. It is expected to ship in 2 weeks according to Mike Clark.....the issue was the CABs..I did inquire his take on jumpering...short discussion revealed..that yes you can jumper.......when you jumper , it activates the other channels preamp and can be used to color the sound....for instance...go into the normal input and then dial in the bright as required using the volume .....or vice versa to taste. I am excited to get the amp, when i get it i will provide my impressions here.