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Lets see your historic getting the most play .


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2005
My '01 R9. It's had a few mods, mostly caused by reading this forum. Most extreme was a braz board from HM.



Only have two Historic Reissues at present… a 57 Black Beauty (BB7) 2-pickup and a 59 Green Lemon (R9). The R9 is the newer one (only had it since August) and as a result is probably getting more play time than the BB7 at present. But I’m sure that will change eventually.
TBH though, the guitar getting the most play at the moment isn’t even a Historic, just a regular Gibson USA Les Paul Standard 50s (in Bourbon Burst). It’s an amazing guitar that I just can’t seem to out down right now (only had it about a month, so still in the honeymoon phase). But as far as Historics go, this Green Lemon is my current most often played (and gets a lot of A/Bing against the 50s Standard).