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Bought an Authentic


New member
Jul 21, 2001
I got a call from Vic DaPra last Friday about a killer 58 Authentic he got in. I drove up to the shop Saturday and my jaw about dropped when I saw this thing. It had the most beautiful color with side to side flame. I swore it was a real one because it looked that good. It was extremely light and resonant as all get out. I didn't even plug it into an amp before I paid him. His partner Tim said it was the best reissue they ever had. Vic said the Authentics are the best reissues. When I got back to town, I dropped by Fedex and weighed it. It tipped the scales at 8.4 lbs even with the grovers [which by the way I don't think affects the tone or resonance in any way....I also have a 57 and 59]. The only thing that didn't tickle my fancy was the "dull finish" job that was on it. It was kind of streaky, like they took a plastic dish scrubber and went over it. As a matter of fact, I rubbed on it with my finger and off came some of the "dull". I got out the Maguiar's No. 9 swirl remover and cleaned it all off. It looks absolutely killer and I'll wear out the finish myself. These are great guitars. My friend Nic bought an Authentic tri-burst at Vic's a couple weeks ago and it's just as nice. He did a review on his at Harmony Central. I'd like to hear some other opinions from those of you who have bought one. I sold my other 58 to get this one, it was that nice!
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Dave Paetow

Les Paul Forum Member
Jul 15, 2001
I sure like mine. Mine must have skipped the buffing stage before they took the brillo pad to it. It looked pretty bogus, so I took it to the buffing wheel.


New member
Jul 21, 2001
So Gibson uses a brillo pad? I was curious as to how they dulled them out. Apparently they buff some before they dull them and others they don't?

Dave Paetow

Les Paul Forum Member
Jul 15, 2001
I was joking about the Brillo pad, but it almost looks like it! Mine sure didn't get buffed out before the aging.


New member
Jul 22, 2001
Bought an authentic

I've had my tir-burst for about 3 weeks and this guitar is really special, it felt like my original burst and plays quite well , the grovers I dont think affect any noticable tone, but because of the increased mass density in the headstock I would think it would add some depth to the overall sustain. None the less I also bought a 58 ri in triburst about a month ago and this particular guitar as well as the authentic have burst buckers in them and the sound is great, really no BS it sounds much more responsive than my other LP historics. Anyway if you can get past the slightly dull finish on the authentic then this is the one for you, and most of the finish will shine with slightly rubbing it with a high quality swirll remover.


LPF Tone Chaser
Jul 26, 2001
how would you describe the tone of Burstbuckers compared to your old Burst's PAF tone ?


New member
Jul 26, 2001
I picked up a tri burst about 2 months ago. It is becoming one of my favorites. The action was extreemly low and it sustains like crazy! Great flame and color!


New member
Jul 22, 2001
got an authentic

Toni, the tone of the original PAFs in my burst is warm distinct only close with the antiquity pups, but the burst buckers are much more dynamic thatn those of the new 58 and 59 ri 01 and 00. I thnik for the money invested the authentic has the fell of a played and worn in instrument vs the sterile feel of some, its just a matter of taste, honestly. I love all my les pauls and each of them are quite different but the are exceptional .